2 mins read

Baby Head Growth

Having your baby’s head measured at each doctor’s visit is standard routine for pediatric visits. During the visit, the nurse or doctor will measure the circumference of your baby’s head to determine its growth. By tracking the size over a period of time, doctors can get a better estimate of your child’s growth, rather than taking one measurement later in life.

2 mins read

Vitamins for Tiredness in Women

For moms, it can be a challenge to keep up with kids. Once your baby begins walking — and don’t forget running — keeping up can become more of a challenge. Being tired can complicate the matter even further. While you can’t bottle your child’s energy, you can find vitamins designed to help you combat tiredness. Be sure to review your plans to take vitamins with your physician.

2 mins read

Financial Help for Teenage Pregnancies

The average cost to deliver a baby in America ranges from $6,000 to $8,000 for a normal pregnancy in 2010, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Pregnancy costs also include medical visits and anesthesia, such as an epidural. For a teen, the cost of pregnancy can be difficult to pay without financial help. Fortunately, pregnant teens have some options to help cover pregnancy costs.

3 mins read

Cough Medicine Recalls

Dealing with an infant who has a runny nose and a cough is never fun, but reaching for the cough medication may not be the best solution. Pediatric associations, the FDA and the CDC, all caution against using such products for children ages 2 and younger. Beginning in 2007, manufacturers of infant and children’s cough medications began to recall cold/cough medication products for this age group.