5 mins read

Chris Waddell: Life Lessons in Resilience

Last week I was honored to be able to spend each day traveling to different schools with Chris Waddell as he presents his Nametags program. Chris, a good friend from Middlebury College, started doing Nametags three years ago when he launched his foundation, One-Revolution.

2 mins read

Do You Over-Praise Your Kids?

Thats beautiful, honey! I love it. You are such a great artist! Awesome job! Dont we want our kids to have positive self-esteem? So, complimenting them is a good thing, right? That depends. Self-esteem is a funny thing. We cant make our kids feel good about themselves by showering them with praise. In fact, that has the potential to actually do just the opposite.

4 mins read

Play that WORKS

Wow! There was such great feedback from the homework article that I thought a follow-up would be good. Apparently, this is a hot-button topic! It hit a nerve for 2 reasons: 1) Parents realize that kids are not getting the time that they need for play and 2) Parents want specific strategies to use the time that they have with their kids most effectively.