1 min read

Irish Shamrocks – Fun Time For Mom

The following post is sponsored by DoubleDown Casino. As a mom of six, my free time is limited. Limited to nap time, waiting room time, bathroom time, do you get the picture? There aren't a lot of times that I get to go out on the town and have some fun, so I have to…

4 mins read

Just Another Mom’s Thoughts on Fifty Shades of Grey

Some call it liberating, fascinating, empowering, sexy, and intriguing. Others call it disgusting, mommy porn, abusive, and embarrassing. But let us just call it what it is...a phenomenon...the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon. Women around the world, and some men too, are excitedly awaiting the world wide premier of this highly anticipated movie. Unlike in…

2 mins read

101 Dalmatians – Parental Love and Protection

While watching the classic Disney film 101 Dalmatians with my children, I started picking up on similarities between the family on the screen and my own family. Albeit my family walks on two legs and most days are spot free, we seem to share the same dynamic as Pongo and Perdita and their litter of…

6 mins read

Do You See What I See?

It is hard living in the world we live in. I find it so easy to see nothing but hate, sadness, tragedy, and despair. It is a cold and lonely place out there. We are all pitted against each other in a time when we would gain so much more if we were cheering for…

5 mins read

And So It All Began…Lessons From The Hood

When I became a mom my life changed. God opened my eyes to the meaning of true love. Through my child, I was able to see that I had been called to do great things. This beautiful child was giving me a chance to leave my mark, to possibly change the outcome of the future,…