4 mins read

Things your twin babies DON’T need

As promised, here’s my short list of non-essential items for raising twins. Now, don’t get me wrong, I want my kids to be happy and healthy just like any other sane, well-meaning mother, but some things just aren’t needed. Some of the items in my list are based on personal preference and some (actually most) are just… well, ridiculous!

1 min read

Having twins? Here’s the gear you’ll need.

Our twins will soon be 5 months old. Hard to believe! During the time leading up to their birth, life was filled with excitement, worry, and indescribable euphoria (minus the morning sickness). If you’re like me, while researching all the “must haves” for twins you’ll end up finding ridiculously long lists – everything from diapers to nursery decorations – and sales pitches for everything from wipe warmers and nipple cream, to twin carriers. Twin carriers …