4 mins read

Putting the Skinny in Summer Socials

Summer is a perfect time to catch up with friends, lounge around and indulge in cold sweet treats. The days are longer, the work schedules are more relaxed and we tend to feel more spontaneous. But, having fun doesnt mean we cant keep our sexy summer bodies intact and stay beautiful. Here are 5 ways to beat the social bulge without too much compromise:

3 mins read

Whip Yourself Into Shape for Summer — Fast!

The Fourth of July Weekend is almost here!! AAAH! I’ve got your answer for getting Sexy, Slim and Energized in time for the long weekend and the rest of summer! Its that time of year when it stays lighter later and plans for the summer are getting underway; including the 4th of July!. Wondering how you are going to fit into those cut off shorts or mini summer dress? What about a bikini? Yikes! Yep- happens to all of us! Summer just creeps up. That being said.there is still some time to get it together. We ALL feel sexier when we are happy with our bodies. The good news is that summer has just begun and if you are motivated to shape up- you can still make some significant changes.