3 mins read

Have a pity party and then move on~

So, this was an interesting week for many of my clients. For some reason they were all on the same page emotionally. They either had a rough week, or they were in a rut, or they just wanted to vent. Typically we strategize, set goals and embrace their accomplishments for the week. But it is just as important in life to go with the flow when you are feeling a certain way. Sometimes it is more beneficial to have a “pity party”, get things off your chest so that you can move forward. This was definitely the case for many of my clients.

4 mins read

New approach to New Year’s resolutions

With less than one week to go, millions of people are already dreading the words New Year’s resolutions. Studies show that forty-five percent of all Americans set resolutions. However one out of four never succeed in these resolutions. And thirty percent of all resolutions are broken within the first month. Not very comforting is it? It can be a bit discouraging if you fail to achieve your resolutions year after year. Do you know the definition of insanity? It is doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results.

2 mins read

Declutter your life to boost your confidence

A lot of people carry around with them a lot of “baggage” or “clutter” in their minds. They are holding onto things they say they should do but don’t, people they are not speaking with but want to, all the should’s and could’s in life. All of this emotional clutter negatively influences your confidence and self esteem. It is important to analyze your life from time to time, answer a series of questions, in order to get back on track. I like to call it alife tune-up, and we all need it in order to stay true to our priorities and values in life.

3 mins read

Take a vacation from your life~

With everything going on in the world, from politics to the economy, to life’s stressors, it is important to take a break from it all. I prefer calling it taking a “vacation from your life”. My husband and I and our children are going to Disney World this week, and it could not have come at a more perfect time. Like many others, I am stressed with everything happening around me, and on top of that I have some deadlines for a book I am publishing. I am ready to go escape life for a bit, even if it is just temporary.