3 mins read

Early Signs of Pregnancy While on Birth Control

No matter what type of birth control you use, you still have a chance of getting pregnant. Abstinence is the only 100-percent effective method of birth control. Rates of pregnancy occurring while on birth control range from 0.09 percent to 9 percent, depending on the type of birth control used, according to a chart provided by AmazingPregnancy.com. Birth control itself can make it difficult to know if you have become pregnant; some forms of birth control create pregnancy-like symptoms, and others cause the menstrual cycle to be irregular. If you have two or more of the following symptoms, go ahead and take a pregnancy test to find out for sure.

3 mins read

Family-Friendly Friday Night Dinner Ideas

Having dinner as a family is a great way to catch up on the day. But after a long week, it’s hard to find the energy to whip up a gourmet meal. So to help you kick off the weekend, here are some fun and easy ideas for Friday night dinner that your family is sure to love! Tasty Taco Time A big taco dinner is something healthy and easy to serve. Everyone gets to make their own tacos just the way they like it. Here’s what you need:

4 mins read

The ABC’s of Bras: How to Choose the Right Support

Are you wearing a bra? Guess what – it probably doesn’t fit! For years, industry experts have claimed that somewhere around 85% of women are either not getting enough support from their undergarments as a result of wearing bras several sizes to big or hurting their breasts by smushing them into containers that are too small. Although we weren’t able to find any hard research to back up this stat, it’s a pretty widely held perception that women are commonly mistaken about their bra size.