Food Allergies Symptoms – Natural Solutions for Relief
Food allergies are a bigger deal than most people think. Did you know that food allergies symptom affect about 60% of the population?
How food allergies symptoms happen:
We can become allergic to just about any kind of food. Here’s a simple example of digest process “proteins”. When we eat protein, the ingestion starts to break the protein down into component nutrients, a process which is continued in the stomach and then the small intestine. Our normal healthy digestive process allows about 2% of these proteins to slip through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Once these proteins enter the bloodstream, our bodies no longer recognize them as “food.” Now they have become “foreign invaders” and the body jumps into an immune response. It produces antibodies to fight off these foreign invaders, and food allergy symptoms are often the result.
Part of the reason why people don’t know they have allergies is because the symptoms can sometimes be very mild. Due to the mild symptoms a lot of people just deal with the inconvenience without actively taking steps to eliminate their problem. If you think you suffer from food allergies, it is important to take the steps necessary to prevent them.
Natural Ways to Prevent Food Allergies Symptoms
Now that you know how we develop food allergy symptom, the next thing is to discover how to prevent them. Luckily, there are three nutritional supplements that can relieve and prevent these symptoms:
1. AFA Blue-Green Algae
Blue-green algae has two important nutrients to help prevent food allergies: beta-carotene and chlorophyll. The beta carotene and chlorophyll in blue-green algae strengthen the intestinal wall, so proteins and other food particles can’t slip into the bloodstream. No particles in the bloodstream mean no foods allergies.
2. Probiotics like Acidophilus and Bifidus
Probiotics are the “friendly bacteria” that live in our intestines and do the bulk of the work of digesting our food once it has passed through the stomach. Acidophilus and bifidus are among the most important of these friendly bacteria, and provide a barrier between the intestines and the bloodstream, as well as helping us fully digest our food.
3. Food Enzymes
Did you know that there are enzymes and co-enzymes that digest every kind of food we eat? What’s more, organic raw foods contain all the enzymes needed to digest themselves. So, enzymes are very important because they are keys to healthy and complete digestion.