Homeopathic Remedies for Fever
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Homeopathic Remedies for Fever

When you have a fever, it generally indicates that your body is doing its job — fighting an infection. Often, doctors do not recommend a fever-reducing medicine until the fever reaches 102 degrees Fahrenheit and higher. When it’s time to administer a remedy, some doctors may opt for a homeopathic remedy that will work best for the type of fever that you have.


Developed 200 years ago by a German physician named Samuel Christian Hahnemann, homeopathy promotes the body’s self-healing abilities through stimulation from minimal doses of highly diluted substances or chemicals. Homeopathy consists of two principles — similar and dilutions. Using the principle of similar, you can treat like for like by using a substance that creates similar symptoms in healthy people to treat an ailment with similar symptoms. On the other hand, the principle of dilutions means the lesser the dosage of a medication, the greater is its healing effects. Each patient’s physical, emotional, psychological and genetic makeup can influence each patient’s reaction to homeopathy.


Various homeopathic remedies for different types of fever exist. Homeopathic medical praxis, the safest and most widely prescribed solution among the homeopathic remedies for fever, reduces the symptoms, as well as treats the condition successfully without any negative side effects. Belladonna, another homeopathic remedy for fever, forces it to subside fast when administered in right amounts. For fever accompanied by nausea, thirst, loss of appetite and body pains, rhus toxicodendron works best in lowering the fever. However, when a patient exhibits weakness and dizziness, you can use the gelsemium instead. If fever comes with severe headache accompanied by liver, chest and stomach problems, bryonia should help relieve the condition while aconite can help lower fevers accompanied by chills.

Concocting Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies follow a simple — but precise — method of preparation. First, gather the resources and raw materials that consist of 70 percent herbs and 30 percent minerals. Then, the materials chosen will go through a process of potentization, a method of making the solution more potent, and sequential dilution, the method of making the solution less potent, to produce tinctures. Tinctures come from plant or herbal extracts mixed with water-free alcohol. Trituration, a method to reduce the mixture into powder by grinding, follows. Dilution comes next by adding alcohol to the solution. Then, the solution goes through a succession machine where it passes through repeated rhythmic motions. The solution will finally go through potency to test its strength.

Side Effects

Homeopathic remedies come from natural ingredients and manufactured through non-toxic processes. Although harmless by nature, homeopathic remedies may also produce side effects, depending on the type of solution. Common side effects may include headaches, delirium, cerebral problems, throbbing carotids and eye or skin irritation. It’s still unknown whether homeopathic remedies for fever can interfere with conventional medications. Consult your doctor first if you’re considering homeopathic remedies for fever.


Overdosing can result from administering the solution beyond the prescribed amount. Belladona may cause headaches, delirium and cerebral problems, among others, when used in higher doses.

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