6 mins read

Explaining Bruce Jenner and Transgender To Kids

Before last Friday night, only 8% of Americans knew someone who was transgender – whose gender identity does not match the sex he or she was born with. Today, an additional 16.8 million people who watched Diane Sawyer’s groundbreaking ABC interview with Olympian Bruce Jenner know someone who is transgender: Jenner himself. Jenner spent nearly two…

4 mins read

What If You Don’t Want Kids

When I was writing the washingtonpost.com On Balance parenting blog, childfree advocates used the comments section to educate readers about how vociferous the attack on adults who choose not to have children can be. Invasive personal and medical questions. Unsolicited advice. Rampant, condescending judgments. Is there something wrong with you? You’ll change your mind one…

5 mins read

Multitasking Mania: Six Tips to Make Time for What Matters

“To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.” – Jill Bolte Taylor Life is too crammed full these days. Even in our downtime, we are busy communicating. Texting, tweeting,…

3 mins read

Playroom Decoration Ideas

Children learn best when they’re playing, so you naturally want to design a room that will foster your child’s growth. Customizing a playroom to your child’s interests will increase her enthusiasm for the room, hopefully buying you more peaceful time to yourself. Ask for her input, and you’ll be on the right track.

2 mins read

House Organization Ideas

Keeping an organized homestead presents a challenge for many constantly on-the-go moms. While it may seem that you don’t have time to organize, in truth, an organized home will, in the long run, save you time. By putting time into organizing your home, you can reduce the amount of time that you spend picking up or hunting for lost objects, making the effort you put into the task of organization well worth it.