8 mins read

Tips for Traveling with Your Child With Autism

Think back to your childhood summer vacations and you may be reminded of your fondest memories traveling with your family. Many children and their families have been waiting a whole year to visit relatives, go on a special trip, or take a relaxing vacation. Traveling with children can be challenging but having strategies can help make summer vacations more enjoyable, particularly if you have a child with special needs. Many families I have worked with have had negative experiences traveling and have ended up cutting their vacations short because of lack of planning. To avoid these potential frustrating summer vacations, here are some tips based on research findings and years of clinical experience with hundreds of families of children with special needs that can help make your summer vacation successful and stress free!

2 mins read

Pregnancy Safety Tips for Summer Travel

As summer sets in, you may likely find yourself eager to escape to confines of your daily life and hit the road on a vacation. You do not have to put your summer time travel plans on hold just because you are pregnant. Pregnant women can and do safely travel, but they must engage in more pre-planning to accommodate for their precarious condition. Before you hit the road, sea or even air this summer, consider your special needs as a mommy-to-be.

3 mins read

Got Milk? Will Travel: How To Pump on the Go

Just when you’ve figured out how to breastfeed and cook breakfast at the same time, a tarmac comes into play and a whole new challenge presents itself. Fear not, breastfeeding mommies! I have summoned the experts, from a Medela exec to a newly-minted expert like myself, to bring you a complete guide to pumping on-the-go.“Your…

7 mins read

A Tale of Travel

I know todays Blog post is not very On The Fence, but yesterday was nothing short of a scene out of Bloopers, and a must-share for my Mommy readers. Plus hey, Im the boss around here, so today, were off the fence! Look out for my next post on The Dark Side of Friendship, coming soon. Oooh.

3 mins read

Taking The Road Less Traveled

So, I was having lunch with an old client/friend of mine this week. It was great. We reconnected over sushi and wine. Yummy food, yummy wine, yummy company. We hadnt seen each other in over three years we calculated, because the last time she saw me, she said I was pregnant. Yeesh for her! But, you know those friends that you dont see often, and the minute you lay eyes on each other, you pick right back up where you left off? Shes that kinda friend.