5 mins read

Helpful Hints for Traveling with A Toddler

Traveling with kids can sometimes feel like taking a three-ring circus on the road. Being trapped in a plane with strangers and a toddler is an exercise in endurance, let me tell you. There are a few things, though, that can make the trip easier. 1. Contact Your Hotel. Book a room away from the…

5 mins read

Vacation For One

Warm weather is on the horizon. This means parents are starting to think about ideas for a fun summer trip with the kids. The beach? Disney? Camping? But are any of you thinking instead: it would be nice to go on vacation…alone? One mom, Lauren Apfel, wrote about this vacation-for-one concept for the Washington Post.…

5 mins read

10 Packing Hacks for Your Family Spring Break Vacation

Spring break is coming up fast, which means your kids will soon be out of school and itching for something to do. It’s fun having them home, but everyone can go a little stir-crazy in the absence of routine. If your kids can’t seem to hold still and you’re ready to get out of the…