2 mins read

Deliciously Dipped Caramel Apples

Apples and fall go hand in hand – and when it comes to Halloween, caramel covered apples are a staple in our home! This is the perfect treat to make along with your kids. I guarantee you’ll have just as much fun making them as you will eating them.

2 mins read

Trick-or-Treat Dos and Don’ts

The yearly Halloween tradition of trick-or-treating incites giddy excitement from kids of all ages. Children get the chance to dress up in their favorite costumes, and adults in the community enjoy seeing the costumed kids knocking at their door. The safety of the children is the biggest priority on Halloween night. Safety strategies should be among families’ trick-or-treating tips.

3 mins read

Halloween Cubicle Decorating Ideas

Are you a working mom? Add a touch of spookiness to your office space this season by decorating your cubicle in a spook-tacular fashion. We’ve put together a few creative ideas for cubicle decorating themes to help you celebrate Halloween. Remember, adding a festive touch to your office space may be just what your co-workers need to get in the holiday spirit!

1 min read

After Halloween Tricks

So Halloween is over but the sugar rush will continue. Are you the kind of parent who lets your kids eat as much candy as they want the day after and then take it away? Or do you let them have a piece a day for a week? Or? Here are a few tips we've…