3 mins read

Ensuring All Milk is Antibiotic Free

“All milk is strictly tested for antibiotics on the farm and processing plant. Any milk that tests positive is disposed of immediately and does not get into the food supply. It is illegal for any milk that has antibiotic to be sold. If you choose to buy milk that claims to be antibiotic-free on the label that is your choice to spend more money.” This is the message I share with consumers when they visit our farm or I am given the opportunity to speak about dairy.

8 mins read

Struggling With What to Feed Your Family?

Before becoming a proud Momma, I never thought about food. I did occasionally think about my next meal or perhaps dealt with a bit of guilt after inhaling a gotta have it sundae with all the toppings, but food was a not such a big deal. However, as a mom in todays world, it has become one of the things I find myself constantly racking my brain with. When I do my weekly shopping I find myself struggling if I should buy the ding-dongs and Popems for my kids. I think to myself, If they have it in moderation its fine — but if I dont buy it, theyll never miss it.

2 mins read

Simple, Healthy Snacks for the Whole Family

Snacks are essential for everyone in the family. For kids, they provide the nutrition and energy needed to power through their day and sustain them until mealtimes. Similarly, we need the energy boost and small snacks keep our metabolisms running optimally. The problem with most snacks available in stores today is that they’re laden with SUGAR and SALT, which isn’t good for anyone. “Fruit snacks,” chips, pre-packaged Handi-snacks, and others do more harm that good in the long run. To get back on track, here are a few recipes and ideas for healthy, easy to prepare snacks that the whole family will love.