2 mins read

Scalp Acne & Hair Loss

Acne is troublesome when it’s on your face, but it’s especially frustrating when it appears on your scalp and in and among your hair follicles. While you are concentrating on this problem, you may notice your hair falling out in your hands when brushing, combing or washing. These two may be connected or they may not. Either way, you can treat the cause of these frustrating problems.

1 min read

How to Treat Ringworm in Kids

Despite its name, ringworm comes from a fungus, not a parasitic worm. Ringworm is a common infection in children. They can catch it from other children or pets, especially cats and dogs. It’s itchy, which can cause your child to scratch it, getting the fungus on his fingers and spreading the disease to other areas of his body or other children. Fortunately, it’s not a serious disease. You can easily treat it with over-the-counter products.

4 mins read

What is the Best Natural Colon Cleanser?

If you have been surfing the Internet or flipping the TV channels recently, you might be developing a concern for your colon. Natural colon cleanse marketers assert that years of accumulated waste can make you sick, causing dire diseases such as cancer. They also say that there could be parasites in your bowels. Medical experts explain what you need to know about colon cleansing, as well as why the best natural colon cleanser is a plan you can implement at home.

3 mins read

Exercises for Hand Pain

You never realize how important your hands are until you lose the ability to use them fully. Several conditions, including arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome, can cause hand pain that makes it difficult to hold onto objects. If you experience chronic pain in your hand, see your doctor. She may suggest a series of exercises for your hands that will potentially reduce your hand pain.

2 mins read

Easy Way to Get Rid of Love Handles

You won’t have to do hundreds of crunches or sit-ups a day to lose your love handles, which is what the oblique muscles on the side of the abdomen are called when they get flabby and soft. Doing crunches alone simply won’t be effective and will make you tired and less likely to work on trimming your middle. Change your diet so that you eat plenty of healthy food, such as fruits and vegetables, add some cardiovascular exercise to your routine, and do a few abdominal exercises a day and you’ll be on your way to ditching your love handles.