3 mins read

Dental Care Tips For College-Aged Students

College life is an exciting and transformative period filled with new experiences, academic challenges, and social activities. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s easy for students to overlook their dental health. However, maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial during these formative years, as it can have long-lasting impacts on overall health. Here’s a comprehensive guide…

4 mins read

A Busy Mom’s Guide to Whole Family Oral Health

As a modern mom, juggling countless responsibilities often leaves little time to focus on yourself, let alone the dental health of your entire family. However, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for overall well-being. Fortunately, with some practical strategies and time-saving tips, you can ensure your family’s smiles stay healthy and bright, even amidst the…

5 mins read

Breathwork And How it Changed My Life

Do you feel stagnant in your life, or maybe stuck and ready to let go of the old and shift into the new? Are you as creative as you want to be, or do you hide because you are afraid to be seen? Do you feel deep down there's more for you? Are you listening…

3 mins read

Should My Child Get the Flu Shot?

Getting any kind of shot, including the flu shot, is not fun for you or for your child. Shots hurt little kids, and it hurts you to see your child crying and in pain. You also might worry about your child getting some sort of reaction, such as getting the flu, after receiving the flu shot. But according to information from the government on the Flu.gov website, a flu shot cannot cause the flu. To ease your worries, learn about flu shots.