3 mins read

Six Important Acupressure Points for Babies and Children

Children are our life and as parents, we will do anything to prevent them from suffering. There are times when medication is not the answer to alleviating discomfort within our children because of the side effects and reactions that may occur.  As a mom of two little boys, and as a Holistic Medicine Practitioner, I…

2 mins read

Debunking Common Advice Given To New Moms

Every new parent struggles with baby sleep, but most of the advice out there is wrong - or at least, incomplete. “Sleep when the baby sleeps.” “Put the baby down drowsy but awake.” And I would know - I’ve been supporting parents and newborns for over 20 years and have discovered where things go wrong…

5 mins read

One Mother’s Road To Choosing Adoption

Three years and two miscarriages after we had our daughter, we were at a crossroads.  Do we continue trying to conceive with more invasive procedures or do we pursue adoption? After a lot of talking and planning, my husband and I both decided it was time for adoption.  Quite frankly, I was reluctant at first.…