3 mins read

6 Month Anniversary Gifts for Men

It may not be quite as impressive as the golden anniversary, but the 6-month mark is something to be proud of. Whether you are celebrating 6 months with your fabulous boyfriend or the first 6 months of a blissful marriage, you may want to do something for your man to let him know how special he is. Picking out gifts for men can be tough, but the suggestions below can help.

4 mins read

Understanding Men in Love

Understanding men is a challenge in and of itself, even though they claim we’re the complicated ones. A man in love is an even more complex being; so complex, in fact, that sometimes he may act like a woman. All those strange things he does make sense, somehow, if we can step back and look at him not as a man, primarily, but as a human in love, subject to emotion, passion, self-doubt, ecstasy and sappy poetry.

5 mins read

A Letter To Toya Graham

Dear Toya Graham, Thank you. Thank you for taking responsibility as a mother, and loving your son enough to drag him away from the chaos that was erupting on the streets of Baltimore. Thank you for being honest in your parenting and making a scene, that in my opinion, was worth the time on air…

5 mins read

The Gift of Life

It has been five years since I received my beautiful gift of life. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined, that I would have met so many incredible moms on my journey of giving back and building a non-profit, Ava’s Heart. It fills my heart to share with you the stories of two very…

3 mins read

Top Ten Ways to Feel Sexy As a Mom of Small Kids

Most moms of small children feel as asexual as a paramecium.  Strangely, this does not prevent their husbands from wanting sex. As a couples therapist, I want your marital sex life to grow as wild and uncontrollable as the mint plants that are now taking over my entire yard.  Also I want it to be equally leafy and fragrant.…