3 mins read

Breast Cancer Steals Many Things, But Not Love

I lost a friend to breast cancer this week.  Sandee was a hardworking, kind, funny, sweet, bright light of a person who fought her cancer with everything she had. She refused to let it take over her life, saying with joy "See!  I told you I'd make it longer than a week!" when given a…

4 mins read

This month, I can feel the shift.

Whew. This is a hard one to write. I’m a Black mom, and it feels like last week was the culmination of what my ancestors and colleagues have been pursuing for over 200 years: the right to be heard. The right to be seen as equal. The right to social justice. White privilege in motherhood…

4 mins read

I Don’t Have Kids Yet, But Please Still Invite Me

I’m in a weird life phase right now. Half of my friends are married and have kids (I will furthermore refer to my “friends with kids” as FWKs), while half are still swiping right and probably years away from nuptials (this group will now be called “NKY” friends – No Kids Yet.) Past that, my…

4 mins read

Quarantining With A Former Spouse

13 years ago, we were sitting outside of a Starbucks in Tampa, Florida with more questions than answer flooding our brains. Without any expectations or knowledge of what was going to happen, we both realized that it was time to end our marriage and clean up the mess we made. We amicably agreed to leave…