1 min read

Holiday 10 Minute Tune-Up

Tis’ the season of less time for exercise, even for me. Time to resort to the 10 Minute Tune-Up. Believe it or not, 10 minutes of stretching and/ or body weight toning exercises everyday will mean in a big difference in your overall balance, happiness and the way you look in your holiday clothing this season.


Here is a routine to get you started:

1) 6-10 Pilates Roll-ups or 10 second hold -toe touch where you are sitting on the ground with your legs out straight in front of you.

2) 1 min straight arm plank

3) 20 Push-ups (kneeling is fine)

4) 60 bicycle crunches

5) 1 min forearm plank

6) 20 squats, 15 lunges each leg

7) 6-10 Pilates Roll-ups or 10 second hold -toe touch where you are sitting on the ground with your legs out straight in front of you.

For a second body weight workout suggestion check out http://tinyurl.com/y8db6do .

The secret to the 10 Minute Tune-Up is consistency. I always suggest doing your routine in the morning because it is more reliable to wake up 10 minutes early then fit your 10 minutes in to a day that may have gotten away from you. Also, any additional physical activity you do is a bonus if you get it done in the morning. You won’t regret it. I promise.

For Veggie Everyday, let’s feature your favorite raw veggies with dip! Get some pre-made from a store or make some yourself to have as a snack twice a day and to take with you when you are running around.

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