2 mins read

Meditation as Medication

Here in the United States we tend to live in a society of pharmaceuticals and the quest for a magic bullet to instantly fix any condition that we may have or simply not like.  While many medications are helpful and necessary, we tend to rely exclusively on them…forgetting that when used in conjunction with our own power we heal faster, stay healthier and lead a happier, more peaceful existence.

Meditation tends to have the reputation of being tedious, difficult, only for the holy, or for those who choose to live a life of suffering and isolation.

The funny truth is that meditating actually is the quickest relief for a lot of ailments.  Anxiety, fatigue, headache, fear, and upset stomach, are just a few issues that ten or twenty focused inhale/exhale breaths (less then 5 min) will work faster for then any pill.  Ten to twenty minutes of silent introspection will last you all day long plus help you grow as a person. 

Try out meditation as if it were medication-1x in the morning and 1x in the evening. Start out with 10 consecutive, conscious breaths. No need to worry about a certain method or technique, just breath in and out saying to yourself “inhale….exhale” as you do it.


Today for “Veggie Everyday” season let’s focus on Cabbage.  Most of us feel strongly about cabbage either way.  For me, even when it appears in a spicy Thai dish, covered in sauce, I still pick it out and put it to the side.  The medicinal benefits of cabbage can’t be ignored however, they include:

-Cabbage is an anti – inflammatory vegetable

-Cabbage contains lactic acid that acts to disinfect the colon

-Cabbage can be used to reduce headache pain

-Cabbage has anti –cancer properties and is also said to be helpful in treating other skin conditions

-Drinking cabbage juice from the stem is a good remedy for ulcers.

Good for you if you already like cabbage! For those of us who don’t, maybe we can eat some here and there because it’s good for us.

Have a great weekend!!  Good luck with your meditation—keep in mind that we are all meditating together at some point.  Our meditation also contributes to good energy for the rest of the world!


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