3 mins read

5 Day Ab Intensive: Re-aquaint Yourself with Your Center


Hi Everyone,


If you haven’t joined Brooke’s Healthy New Year Group then I encourage you to do so. It’s always more fun and effective to get and stay healthy with others! My contribution to your health this week is focused on your center. Along with my 5 days of different trunk exercises, try out the videos on the ModerMom home page. If you do it once, you’ll feel so good that you’ll do it again. Start with one a day and work up to doing a few in a row.


Today is Day 130 Second Straight Arm Plank then while still in the plank lift/lower ea leg for 20 reps, 2 sets.. Go!


Day 2Walking Plank. The walking plank is a great overall body toner. Start with in a plank position on your forearms, without putting your knees down press one arm, then the other up to a straight arm plank (like you were going to do a push-up…and you can if you want to). Pause for a moment, then lower yourself back down to your forearms without putting your knees on the ground. That is 1 rep. Continue for 10 reps


It’s Day 3 of the Ab Intensive and our abs should be feeling pretty firm. If they are not and you’ve been keeping up with me, push yourself a little more. Today’s assignment- 30 second plank right into 30 Bicycle crunches. Do this 6x in a row without stopping (if you can-otherwise take breaks). Stay focused and get through it- it’s not that long and it’s worth it!


Look out it’s Day 4! I had someone tell me this morning that they are sore throughout their trunk, abs, and core from the Ab Intensive. Does this apply to you to?

Today we are doing circle crunches. Start in with your hands behind your head, knees bent and either feet on the floor or feet in the air equal to the height of your knees. Crunch diagonally with one elbow going to towards the opposite knee, stay engaged with your torso lift in the crunch position as you twist through the center of your body ending with your other elbow heading to the opposite knee- then lower back down. Continue in this same direction for 10 then switch direction… THESE SHOULD BURN :o)


Here we are– the 5th day of totally awesome core work. If you have noticed- I try to address your whole trunk. Let today be no different. Start in a straight arm plank then take your right knee to meet your nose, pause for 2 seconds, then take your leg back (don’t set it down) then immediately take your knee to your right tricep. Keep your hips down. Do this combo 10x then switch legs. If you’re still wanting more do the same thing on your forearms– it’s pretty hard! Good luck!

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