Guided Meditation: Feeling Safe
1 min read

Guided Meditation: Feeling Safe

Welcome Friends!

Thank you for joining me. Today’s video is a guided meditation that focuses on feeling safe. With all the negativity we are bombarded with through media and television it is important for us not to lose ourselves in it, and to focus on feeling safe. We need to feel safe in our lives, safe to be who we are, and safe to express ourselves without fear. The safer you feel the more you live from the space of peace and harmony. Let this meditation guide you with positive words and affirmations.

YouTube video

You may want to watch this video in full the first time, and a second time to close your eyes and practice the meditation.  Please return to the video whenever you are feeling unsafe in the world, scared to be who you are, or need to be brought back to a place of internal peace.

Thank you for watching, friends!

If you feel this video will benefit others please do like it and share.

With love & gratitude,
 Wendy Irene

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