Early Signs of Teen Pregnancy
Keep a close eye on your teenage daughter if you suspect she may be sexually active or already pregnant. The early signs of pregnancy for teens are physically the same as for older women although teens may exhibit different behavior. If you observe any early signs indicating that your teen is pregnant, do not hesitate to talk to her.
Consider your daughter’s behavioral history before jumping to conclusions. If you know she’s been sexually active or if you know she has a serious boyfriend, you may have reason to believe she’s pregnant. Sneaky behavior, emotional problems and substance abuse may indicate your teen readily participates in risky behavior such as unprotected sex. If you notice any of these behaviors, or if there is a sudden and drastic change in her behavior, ask her about it.
There are different physical and emotional symptoms you might notice right away. Your teen might start eating strange things or become nauseous at the sight or smell of her favorite foods. Other physical signs might include your daughter frequently using the restroom, complaining of fatigue, lower back aches and a swollen abdomen. Emotional signs of teen pregnancy may be the same as other issues such as suddenly becoming extremely moody and irritable or emotionally unstable. If your daughter doesn’t come talk to you, you should talk to her. Purchasing a home pregnancy test or taking her to the doctor may be the only way to find out for sure.
Some early signs of teen pregnancy have little to do with your daughter’s physical or emotional outward appearance. If you typically purchase her feminine hygiene products and they aren’t being used or she hasn’t asked you to buy more, she may be pregnant. Of course, a missed menstrual cycle could stem from other causes including stress and strenuous exercise. Watch for other changes that may not seem related to a pregnancy, such as if she suddenly starts taking better care of her body or eating better.
Being pregnant means experiencing multiple hormonal changes, which bring about emotional changes. This is typically magnified for a pregnant teen because there are issues with which she has to deal that most older moms-to-be don’t. For example, if the father of her child or her friends are not supportive, or if she fears telling you she’s pregnant, she may become severely depressed.
Although you may be disappointed in her decisions, it’s important for you to be supportive of her during this time. Your pregnant teen is going to face numerous challenges, from the looks and remarks from her peers, to becoming a mother and missing out on some of the things most teens get to experience. You can find a supportive friend or relative or support group for the parents of pregnant teens to deal with your emotions, but you should always be supportive in front of her. Talk to her and give her books or other reading materials so she knows what to expect. Take her to the doctor or clinic so she doesn’t have to feel alone. Educate her on her options such as adoption. You can get through this together and come out closer on the other side, but it will take time to adjust to the news.