So This Morning I Got The Call…
From my mother-in-law, that is… “Hi, doll. Can you guys come for dinner tonight? Oh, and pack an overnight bag for the boys, they can sleep over.” Um, yah, how fast can we be over?!? First double sleep out in over a year!!
But the truth is, I totally feel like I need a break from the kids lately. Anyone feel this way? And I say that with obvious guilt, because I feel like it makes me sound like a bad mother. But I eat, sleep, breath, shit and live for my kids. I’m a deeply devoted mother. But, I still can’t remember the last time I actually did shit in privacy without someone sitting on the floor next to me talking my ear off (I’m a regular morning or evening goer, which means there’s always someone around)! In fact, because this is my very own Blog, and therefore my safe space for me and my readers, I will tell you how I killed my husband last week. He found me at 7:30am, sitting on the toilet (not #1), talking to my mom on the phone, and eating my bagel and peanut butter, all simultaneously! Ewwwww you’re thinking! But yes, there is nothing that phases me, and I’m a multi-tasking psycho! OK????
So, tonight, we get the break. I will undoubtedly eat quickly (and a lot… my mother-in-law always makes delicious food, and lots of it) and then me and hubby will skedaddle and do one of the following 5 things:
1) Go home, have sex, and go to bed at 9:30PM (probable).
2) Go home, have sex, then watch 20/20, and then go to bed at 10:55 (possible).
3) Go to some dance club and dance like I’ve wanted to do. Go to bed 2am, and SLEEP IN (very improbable).
4) Go to a strip joint. Yah right (highly unlikely)!
5) Get the call to pick up our boys at 11PM as someone is crying and wants to come home, and then get no sleep in at all (probable again).
Just in case we do #3, to all my girlfriends who know they can call me anytime, 7 days a week, after 5:30AM, DON’T YOU DARE CALL ME TOMORROW BEFORE 10AM, OK!!
But on a serious note, I’ve just come off a crazy winter. The economy and the Canadian dollar have not been our friends = stress. I started a Blog, wrote a whole book, gave seminars and conferences and headlined the National Women’s Show, sat on the board of my son’s school, volunteered my time to mentor people starting businesses, broke up 15,000 physical fights between my boys, and I am exhausted. I need this sleep in more than you can imagine. So, recently, after much chit chat, the girls that I usually go on a yearly trip with, decided the time was now. So we booked our 3 day getaway last month. Yes, in a couple of weeks, 4 mommas craving some sleep and a little “me” time will jet off to NYC, The Gansevoort Hotel, Rock of Ages, dinners, coffee at Bryant Park (my favorite NY park), SLEEP INS, mud masks, shopping, and great girls fun. I am counting down the days.
And, re: my date night tonight… the world is our oyster, chiquitas! I’ll keep you posted!
And please tell us, do you ever feel like you a need a break from your kids, or a time-out from your life? Are you a frazzled, worn out, multi-tasking mom, or do you find a way to keep it all in balance? And if you do take it all in stride, share your tips, ladies… PLEASE!
Until next time, Happy Friday.