How to Study for the SAT Exam
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How to Study for the SAT Exam

The SAT standardized test, originally known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, provides percentile scores used by many college admissions committees in evaluating college applications. The test covers mainly reading, writing and Math reasoning skill sets. Today, several additional and separate SAT subject tests also enable young people to demonstrate advanced knowledge in specific fields, such as Physics, World History or Korean.

Many parents seek to help their teenagers study more effectively for this important battery of standardized exams. A few study tips may prove useful:

Discuss The SAT Early

Parents can assist their youngsters in preparing to take the SAT by briefly discussing this standardized examination with them several years in advance of the test dates. By mentioning the existence of the test and its role in college admissions, they reinforce the importance of thorough preparation. Students entering high school should understand that they will probably need to score well on the SAT as a Sophomore or Junior in order to gain admission to college.

Emphasize Core Subjects

During your child’s junior high and high school years, make certain that core Math and Communications skills receive a high priority in the curriculum. For instance, by encouraging your youngsters to obtain high marks in math-related subjects, you help ensure that they learn important problem solving skills. Similarly, urge them to study hard in English classes in order to score well on the SAT’s grammar and vocabulary questions.

Obtain Practice Test Opportunities

Another very helpful step in studying for the SAT involves gaining some experience answering questions using a standardized testing format. Fortunately, today many young people automatically acquire experience with this type of testing as high school students. If your child attends a small private school which does not administer standardized examinations, you’ll want to encourage them to gain practice during an SAT preparation course. The SAT sells ten official practice tests for prospective test-takers.

Schedule The SAT Early

In order to study effectively for the SAT, it helps young people to take the examination as early as possible. It they don’t score as well as expected the first time, they’ll enjoy an opportunity to re-take the test again later as High School Juniors before having their scores transmitted to college admissions committees. During a “practice run” taken in the Sophomore Year of High School, your youngster’s scores in each of the core areas might help you determine whether additional study in those subjects might prove helpful.

Consider SAT Preparation Classes

Some public high schools and private tutoring services offer formal SAT preparation classes. These sessions usually meet for an hour or two a week after school or on weekends. Students who participate benefit from gaining experience with standardized testing formats. They may also gain greater confidence in their skill levels. Although probably the majority of youngsters who undertake the SAT do not attend preparation classes, the rewards of scoring well on the SAT may inspire parents to emphasize these sessions. Students who perform well on the SAT sometimes receive attractive college and university scholarship offers.

Succeeding on the SAT

Students score comparatively on the SAT. They cannot “pass” or “fail” this standardized examination. However, by studying effectively during Junior High and High School, they may acquire the academic reasoning and communications skills to perform well on this important college-entrance examination. Some academic admissions committees emphasize SAT scores very highly, others do not. Families anxious to obtain attractive scholarship offers may want to stress the importance of the SAT to their teens.

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