2 mins read

The Best 30-Minute Workout for Women

According to the American Heart Association’s guidelines for physical activity, adult women should engage in cardiovascular workouts at a moderate level for a minimum of 150 minutes per week, or do vigorous cardiovascular activity for at least 75 minutes per week. Add to this two to three sessions of strengthening and stretching, and you have a week of complementary workouts. However, certain 30-minutes workouts deliver more physical benefits than others.

3 mins read

After Pregnancy Workouts

You’ve delivered your baby and had your six-week checkup, and your doctor has given you the all-clear to begin exercising again. Exercise after pregnancy will help you get your body back quickly and may keep your mood up and prevent postpartum depression, according to the Mayo Clinic. Combine strength building, cardiovascular and core-enhancing exercises to get the healthiest you possible.

3 mins read

How to Build Up Sexual Stamina

Are you longing to become a sexual dynamo but are just too tired to perform well? Take heart. You’re not destined to be a dud. Sex is not a talent—you aren’t born knowing the best ways to do it. It’s a skill that is learned and perfected. Sex is physical, psychological and emotional. To have a heightened sexual experience teaming with desire and stamina, you need to take care of yourself: body, mind and soul.

3 mins read

Early Childhood Physical Education Activities

The Maine Department of Education states that effective early childhood physical education activities, those for preschool aged children, should promote long-term healthy habits and contribute to the entire learning process. This is why many preschool physical education activities focus on imagination and games as well as being physically fit. While each physical education class is different, the same goals are sought to be met and every activity has purpose.