3 mins read

Understanding Child Discipline

How you choose or not choose to discipline your child is perhaps one of the great divides between parents. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the “right” way to discipline. It’s no wonder that many parents can be confused. Children need discipline; the disagreements sometime stem from a misunderstanding of what discipline is.

2 mins read

Understanding Men’s Emotional Baggage

As a woman, you can easily understand when your female friends suffer from emotional difficulties. Unlike your female relationships, dealing with your husband’s emotions may make you frustrated and confused. Like women, men often experience bouts of anger, sadness and depression. However, men may display their emotions differently, causing you to wonder why he acts the way he does and wondering what you can do to help him deal with his emotional baggage.

3 mins read

Understanding Men in Relationships

Why doesn’t he talk to me? Why won’t he do the dishes? Is he cheating? The differences between men and women can be troublesome. The source of most conflict in relationships can usually be traced back to miscommunication. By looking at the differences between men and women, the role of body language in interaction and your own behavior, you can better understand the man in your life.

5 mins read

Helping Kids Understand the Dangers of Smoking

Every day, 3,600 kids between the ages of 12 and 17 start smoking, according to estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A fact sheet on youth and tobacco use states that 20 percent of high school students in the United States were current smokers in 2007. Ninety percent of adults who smoke are likely to have started smoking as kids, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP). These numbers are startling and continue to be a cause for concern. The fact is, kids continue to start smoking despite the fact that there is so much information and statistical data available that ought to deter them. It is the responsibility of parents, caregivers, teachers and mentors to help kids understand the dangers of smoking. This article offers tips and step-by-step instructions to help you in the process.

3 mins read

Understanding the Moods of Men

While men often say that women are complicated, the same could be said about them. At times, it’s pretty difficult to understand why men feel a certain way, act a certain way and say different things. If you’re a woman that is constantly trying to figure out her man’s moods, you are not alone. Millions of women are in the same boat.