2 mins read

Understanding Men’s Body Language

Both men and women communicate non-verbally. Body language is one form of non-verbal communication, which can help you you better understand men and what they are trying to say, as well as what they are not saying. Some body language–including face touching–has dual meanings and needs to be read in context.

5 mins read

Understanding the “Energy” Between Parent and Child

When I was training for my Ph.D. in psychology, I was taught the importance of being able to quantify or count what I observe. Now, thirty years later, I am going to step outside of that model and advise that one of the most important things to be aware of from the moment your children are born until you scoot them out the door, is the type of energy that goes back and forth between you and your kids — something we cant see or measure, but we all know it’s there. Understanding it can make you a better parent.

2 mins read

Understanding Child Psychology

Like adults, children can suffer from emotional disorders. A specific branch of mental health, child psychology focuses on certain problems and disorders common in children and teens. Child psychology can help smooth out difficult transitions in a child’s life as well as provide assistance for families dealing with behavioral problems.

3 mins read

Understanding Child Discipline

How you choose or not choose to discipline your child is perhaps one of the great divides between parents. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the “right” way to discipline. It’s no wonder that many parents can be confused. Children need discipline; the disagreements sometime stem from a misunderstanding of what discipline is.