2 mins read

How to Reduce Wrinkles Without Surgery

Wrinkles become more prevalent with age as the skin thins and is less elastic. Cosmetic procedures like face lifts are extreme options that many women prefer to avoid. Your habits and beauty routines affect the appearance of your skin, including wrinkles. Exposure to the sun and smoking are two habits that can cause wrinkles. Taking care of your skin and your body may help reduce or slow the appearance of wrinkles. While starting early in life with healthy habits is most effective, making changes in your skin care routine later in life may also slow wrinkle development.

2 mins read

Cosmetic Surgeries for Weight Loss

When you are looking for an answer to your weight problem, you may want to turn to cosmetic surgery. It’s important to make a distinction between weight loss surgery and cosmetic surgery for weight loss. Bariatric surgery–true weight loss surgery–limits the amount of food that you can eat, forcing you to lose weight. A cosmetic procedure, on the other hand, will cause you to look better, but it doesn’t affect the way that your body works.

3 mins read

Skin Removal After Weight Loss Surgery

As you gain weight, your skin expands to accommodate underlying fat. But in cases of extreme weight loss, such as after bariatric weight loss surgery, patients are often left with unsightly excess skin. Because of its decreased elasticity, this skin tends to hang, sag and give a body a lumpy appearance. According to Dr. Michael Bermant, board-certified plastic surgeon, this is not a problem you can correct with diet or exercise alone. Excess skin must be surgically removed.

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How to Get Rid of Fat on Back of Neck in Women

Fat accumulates all over the body — even in some strange places like the back of the neck. Because fat accumulates slowly throughout the body, you must lose it slowly throughout your body if you want to see it disappear in any one particular place. Engaging in a total-body fat loss program will take care of the fat on the back of your neck over time. There’s no way to lose just neck fat without resorting to cosmetic surgery.

3 mins read

Recovery Time from a Lifestyle Face-Lift

In past decades, women had to come to terms with their sagging skin. Modern moms can fight back against the aging process through cosmetic surgery. Many women, who feel that their face is no longer a reflection of their youthful attitude, opt for a face-lift. While a face-lift, like all cosmetic surgery procedures, is a serious medical procedure with real risks, many feel that the results are well worth it. If you plan to get a face-lift, carefully plan your procedure to ensure that you allow adequate healing time prior to heading out and showing off your revitalized face.