4 mins read

Lung Diseases in Children

Several different lung diseases can affect a child. Asthma, cystic lung disease and interstitial lung disease are three of the most common lung issues children face. With each disease, precautions need to be taken so the child’s symptoms are controlled. Understanding the symptoms, treatment and preventative measures for each case can help you feel less anxious about it.

3 mins read

Diseases That Can Affect a Baby in the Womb

The development of a fetus into a healthy baby is a complicated and delicate process. Genetic factors can sometimes cause the baby to be born with genetic disorders. Other diseases that can affect a baby in the womb are passed to the baby when the mother suffers from them. For this reason, it is important for a pregnant woman to keep herself as healthy as possible.

3 mins read

Sexual Diseases in Women

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) pass from one person to the next during sexual contact. They can affect men and women, but women can have greater complications if they are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, women have more frequent and serious health problems from STDs than men do. If a bacteria or parasite causes an STD, you can treat it with antibiotics, but if a virus is the cause, there is no cure, only medicines to keep the disease under control. Using a condom reduces the risk of getting an STD.

3 mins read

Heart Disease Among Women

Breast cancer receives a lot of attention in the world of women’s health, but heart disease kills more women than all types of cancer, according to the American Heart Association. Familiarizing yourself with the symptoms, risk factors and forms of prevention helps protect your heart and your health. Whether heart disease runs in your family or not, take an active role in maintaining your heart health.