3 mins read

5 Education Tips for Kids With ADD

Having a school-age child with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a challenge for many parents. However, there is help and support available. As a result of the 2004 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, you have the right to be involved with your child’s education. There are 5 things to consider while working out an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) with your child’s educator.

5 mins read

Three Tips To Help Tame Our Kids Tech

Get this: U.S. teenagers now spend a whopping NINE HOURS A DAY using media. That’s more time than most spend sleeping, learning, or hanging out with us. The nine hours includes watching TV, videos and movies, playing video games, listening to music, and checking social media. New research shows that some 13 year olds check…

3 mins read

Pregnancy Tips for Easier Labor

Now that the initial excitement of being pregnant and wanting to welcome your new baby into the world has subsided, you may be experiencing that next common pregnant emotion of fear. Fear of just how the baby is going to come out. This fear happens to new moms and experienced moms, as every labor and delivery experience is different. You can conquer this fear and take steps throughout your pregnancy to increase the chances that your labor will be easy and a positive experience.