5 mins read

How to Balance Children and Technology

In the modern age of texts, tweets, and status updates, it is of utmost importance that parents maintain open lines of face-to-face, soul-to-soul communication with their children. This does not mean resisting a highly technological world that is not going away, but rather continually exploring new ways to connect with one another both on and beyond the keyboard.

6 mins read

Stop the Huffing!

I get a text in the middle of the school day from my 15 year old daughters friend, which immediately gets my attention and raises some level of concern: She simply states a boy in her class is sniffing white out. Yes reader, you read correctly, sniffing white out — and in class to boot. This alarmed her enough to reach out to me. She texted me that she was angry at the boy for doing it.

3 mins read

Fun Family Card Games

Card games are a go at any leisure activity. They can keep family members engaged and allow for the practice of problem-solving skills. There is a plethora of family-appropriate card games from which you can select, ensuring that you can find something just right for your kiddos. The next time rain threatens a fun day or you are looking for some easy on-the-road fun, consider an enjoyable–and portable–card game as a way for your family to pass some time.