4 mins read

The Lighter Side of Potty Training

I heard a quote once that was a pediatricians response to a parents question about when they should start potty training their child and the doctors response was effectively if you start when they are two they will be potty trained when they are three, and if you start when they are three then they will be potty trained when they are three. Whoever this pediatrician is, youre speaking my language. I am all about

3 mins read

Facial Hair Removal Tips for Women

You’ve begun to notice the signs–a faint mustache and a few chin hairs that randomly appear. Even though you may feel a little panicked at the thought of unwanted facial hair, you do not need to worry. You won’t turn into the bearded lady. Women can remove facial hair effectively and safely without reaching for the razor or harmful creams.

3 mins read

Types of Baby Slings

Baby wearing can be a beautiful experience for both baby and parent. Not only does it provide the opportunity for bonding, but it also allows the parent to have one or both hands free to do other tasks. If you are considering baby wearing, you have no doubt discovered that there are several styles of slings and carriers available to you. The most popular styles are discussed here, as well as their biggest strengths and weaknesses.

6 mins read

Killing Off Supermom

I’ll be honest with you. In my house, the beds are rarely made unless someone is coming to visit. Sometimes I yell. My closet is a disaster and I feel guilty that I work too much. My kids watch more TV than they should. And I simply cannot afford to go all organic right now. There is a sticky shelf in my refrigerator that I keep hoping will evaporate on its own, and this morning I had to send my son off to camp with a PB&J made with frozen waffles because I forgot to buy bread. I’m not perfect. There, I said it. Bye Bye Supermom