4 mins read

Putting the Skinny in Summer Socials

Summer is a perfect time to catch up with friends, lounge around and indulge in cold sweet treats. The days are longer, the work schedules are more relaxed and we tend to feel more spontaneous. But, having fun doesnt mean we cant keep our sexy summer bodies intact and stay beautiful. Here are 5 ways to beat the social bulge without too much compromise:

3 mins read

When Do You Have Your First Pregnancy Ultrasound?

The first ultrasound, something many women anxiously await, actually varies for each woman. The American Pregnancy Association only recommends that ultrasounds be used when medically necessary. This leaves the decision of when to perform the first ultrasound up to the doctor and patient to determine what timing is best. For some this may be early on in the pregnancy, while other moms wait until midway through their pregnancy to first see their baby.

3 mins read

Optifast Liquid Diet

Like many people, you may be fighting the battle of the bulge. Many mothers notice an increase in their weight as they age. According to Vanderbilt University, about 1 in 3 people in America are obese. With all the diet advertisements on TV, radio and the Internet, you may have a difficult time deciding how to lose weight. Many people decide to lose weight quickly by following a liquid diet regimen. One type of liquid diet, Optifast, might appeal to you.

2 mins read

DNA Testing Early in Pregnancy

DNA testing, also known as genetic testing or carrier screening, early in pregnancy gives you the opportunity to learn more about your baby. You can find out the sex of the baby, the father of the baby and whether the baby has certain diseases. The information you learn can give you the time to adjust, if needed, before the baby arrives.

2 mins read

Signs for Down Syndrome During Pregnancy

Trisomy 21, more commonly referred to as Down syndrome, is a condition in which the developing fetus inherits an extra chromosome. According to statistics reported by the Kids Health website, Down syndrome affects approximately one of 800 babies born in the United States each year. Children with Down syndrome can be both physically and mentally delayed. Although doctors cannot prevent the condition, they can detect it by evaluating risk factors and test results.