Search Results for: nicely visit
Aging Out of Autism Services
My son has been in a social skills group since he was three years old. When he turns thirteen this year, he will "officially" age out of this group. What is social skills group? Social skills group is a structured play group with four to six children who are relatively near each other on the…
Christmas Eve Crafts for Kids
On Christmas Eve, if your children are off the wall with anticipation knowing that Santa is on his way, help them focus their energy by making a Christmas Eve craft. Doing a craft will provide your children with a creative outlet that will help ease their excitement, as well as provide you with an opportunity to create last-minute Christmas decorations or gifts.
Scary Good Ways to Save Money on Your Halloween Party!
The following is a guest post from Teri Gault, Lifestyle expert, money-saving guru, and CEO & founder of
Homemade Fruity Greek Yogurt
The following recipe was originally published on the website for more great ideas and cooking tips!One thing that drives me absolutely crazy is flavored yogurt. Why? Because its junk masquerading as healthy for us.Yes, I said it: JUNK because flavored yogurt is filled with sugar and other nonsense we have no need of. Im not totally against sugar, butI like to keep it in its …
6 Ways Parents Can Teach Positive Values in Everyday Life
Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny. ? Mahatma Gandhi