1 min read

Must have items in your fridge:

Youre Iphone alarm just jingled and as you hit snooze for the second time youre mind begins to race as you know you have 2+ kids to feed, cloth, pack lunches, make sure the homework is done, packed and ready to be turned in, kiss Mr. Wonderful and wish him a good day, feed the family animals and then you realize youve been operating on adrenaline and you need to eat too!!!! A morning in the life of a (Super) Modern Mom, right?!

3 mins read

How to Start a Nanny Service

Whether they use a part time, full time, live in or live out nanny, parents and their children often rely on the nanny to be a constant, loving force in the family’s existence. Owning a nanny service can produce financial stability while at the same time allowing you to provide a valuable service to those who depend on you.

6 mins read

Teaching the 3Cs: Creativity, Curiosity & Courtesy

Parents naturally want the best for their child academically. So, when research comes out illustrating how the early years have a tremendous impact on future intelligence, the pressure is on to teach those 3 Rs: Reading, Riting and Rithmatic as early as possible. The unfortunate result of this has been children who are being fed facts and solutions for memorization, without any basis for their own problem solving or sense of exploration of the information they learn. Early childhood programs feel the pressure as well and are getting caught in this same trap: teaching children the preconceived answers without teaching the process that leads to the answers in the first place. It is no surprise then that many children are struggling in schools, and that children in higher grades are found to have little or no problem solving techniques and additional problems with social interactions.

3 mins read

The C Word

I realized when I wrote this blog title that I may be leading you to think this one is about sex. Nope. I mean the C-word that has rocked millions and millions of lives: Cancer. I would imagine that just about everyone knows that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And I cant let this month end without writing about it.