8 mins read

Become a MOMPreneur

So it’s 2011. Maybe your kids are all in school now, and maybe you’ve decided that this is the year you’re going to get creative – in every sense of the word. Maybe you’ve decided that you’re going to get off the fence and contribute to society. That’s you’re going to contribute to your household income.

3 mins read

What Color Nail Polish to Wear

Nail polish can help you look put together and professional or add a pop of color to a party outfit. Whether you opt for a pale neutral, classic red or a deep steely gray, consider what your polish says about you. Choose a polish shade that works with your skin tone, your outfit and your overall look.

3 mins read

Spa Manicure and Pedicure Procedures

Many busy moms delight in receiving a spa manicure and pedicure. Not only does this process leave your hands and feet looking great, it also serves as a relaxing time for you to sit back and be pampered. The traditional spa manicure and pedicure is a multifaceted process that is specifically design to leave your hands and feet at their finest.