10 mins read

Cure ALL Your Bad Habits!

The green movement has arguably never been bigger than it is now. Yet, while we strive to better our environment, Mother Natures number one foot soldiers have been losing another battle on another front, their own well being. In the midst of the chaotic schedules of Modern Moms, and with constant attention to our families, its easy to skip out on what we ourselves need. While we would normally get our eight hours or lather on sun screen, we now quickly do without thinking oh its just this once. Yet, in a surprisingly short time, these negative routine changes can become fixed habits.

4 mins read

Social Interaction & Your Child

My daughter is four-years-old and I often try to map out what social activities would be good for her to be involved in so that she may excel in school and in life. Ive always watched those who were involved in extra-curricular activities do so well academically, socially and eventuallyfinancially; so I knew the day I gave birth my child would no doubt stand among those ranks.

2 mins read

Bleeding in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

The first trimester is a time of mixed emotions for many expectant mothers; dealing with morning sickness, excited about a new baby, wondering what the coming months will bring. When she experiences bleeding or spotting, one of the first thoughts is, miscarriage. While miscarriage—or potential miscarriage—can cause bleeding, there are other reasons a woman would bleed in the first trimester and some are benign. The mother’s obstetrician should always be informed immediately; he can determine the reason for any bleeding and what can be done.