3 mins read

Hair Loss After a Miscarriage

Miscarriages are difficult enough to endure without having to worry about hair loss as well. It is not uncommon to lose hair after a miscarriage, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Hormone levels in the body rise during pregnancy. The higher levels of estrogen in your body slow the normal loss of hair. This results in thicker, more luxurious hair. Once hormone levels return to normal, such as after a miscarriage, the hair that was “on hold” suddenly falls out, returning your hair thickness to normal levels.

4 mins read

How Do I Get My Baby to Go to Sleep Without the Pacifier?

Most babies are born with a strong desire to suck. In fact, some babies suck their thumbs or fingers while they are in the womb. In addition to sucking for nutritional purposes, sucking can have a soothing effect on babies. For this reason, many parents use a pacifier to help their baby to fall asleep. Fortunately, for parents who want to break the pacifier habit, there are other ways to help a baby go to sleep.

3 mins read

Excessive Weight Loss After Pregnancy

While many women may struggle to lose weight and regain their pre-pregnancy shape, other new mothers may shed pounds quickly. The rate at which you lose your pregnancy weight can affect your health and the health of your breastfeeding baby. Very rapid weight loss may signal the presence of postpartum depression, or baby blues. Notify your doctor if you experience any unusual postpartum symptoms such as excessive weight loss, loss of appetite or frequent crying spells.

2 mins read

Male Fertility Tips

Men make up half of the equation in baby making, and it’s important for them to do their part in improving fertility. According to the Mayo Clinic, men are the sole cause for infertility in 20 percent of cases, while 30 to 40 percent of infertility cases are related to both the man and woman. There are things that men can do to boost their fertility naturally.