4 mins read

Autism and Interacting with the Police

Autism and Interacting with the Police This happened recently: https://news.yahoo.com/13-old-boy-autism-allegedly-201119829.html So, what’s a parent with a teenager on the autism spectrum supposed to think of what happened here? What do I think? First, I’m terrified. Second, I’m angry. Third, I’m confused. Why am I terrified? That could have been my child. My child does occasionally…

4 mins read

Autism and Sleep Issues

Autism and Sleep Issues I stumbled upon an autism-related article that discussed sleep issues among children with autism. Got me thinking about my son and sleep. What’s it like for us? As far as I’m concerned, even though my son has autism, he’s been a pretty good sleeper for most of his life. Not that…

6 mins read

Autism and Too Much Stuff

Autism and Too Much Stuff I recently read an article about a family with a child on the autism spectrum. The family purchased a lot of play structures for their front yard. They did this because they have a child on the autism spectrum. They discovered that their child benefits from movement. They purchased lots…

2 mins read

Bullies Don’t Take Summers Off

You’d think that once school ended, kids would get a break from bullying. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Bullies don’t take the summer off. In fact, many things that are hallmarks of summer are what can set up kids for being bullied which can take things from bad, to worse. Many places that kids hang…