1 min read

6 Super Tasty Super Bowl Dip Recipes

Planning to watch the big game with your friends and family? Whether you’re rooting for the Ravens or the 49ers, there’s one thing that every fan loves… the snack table! To help you spice up the spread, we’ve put together a list of six of our very favorite super tasty Super Bowl dip recipes. Best of all, some are even pretty healthy 🙂 Artichoke Dip Mix up mayo, artichoke hearts, cheese and chilis to make this ridiculously delicious artichoke dip.

3 mins read

Let’s Craft: Make Your Own Paper Snowflakes

Let’s Craftis a special feature full of great crafts, inspiration and DIY projects that are perfect for any Modern Mom! This project comes from, Jessica Begum, the crafty momma behind the blog Hipster’s Tea Party. Check out her tutorial for how to make your own paper snowflakes: “It’s official! Winter is here! I’m celebrating winter by making paper snowflakes. Want to join me?

7 mins read

I’m Going to Disneyland! Without the Kids! (June Cleaver Would Not Approve)

I grew up in Southern California. It was a great place to enjoy childhood, what with easy access to beaches, practically year round sunshine and Disneyland. I have tons of great memories of visiting Disneyland starting when I was five (when, much to my parents horror, I apparently spent most of my time pointing at costumed characters and other features and declaring them fake) and up through when I left for college. I remember often asking to go to Disneyland when I was little and my mom (and other moms) answering that it was a little too far away for more than an annual visit.