2 mins read

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Cream

Stretch marks commonly appear on the surface of the skin during times in which the body is undergoing extreme hormonal fluctuations associated with rapid weight gain. Typical causes of stretch marks, beyond genetics, are pregnancy, weightlifting and growth spurts. Contrary to their name, stretch marks are not the result of stretched skin but rather the effect of collagen breaking down in the epidermis. Because of this, various creams are effective in treating the scars and healing the skin.

3 mins read

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks After Working Out

Pregnancy, growth spurt, weight and muscle gains are some of the main reasons why people develop stretch marks. Muscles extend and grow after an extreme work out, causing stretch marks to appear. Stretch marks form when the middle layer of the skin, also known as the dermis, stretches drastically, causing the connective tissue in the skin to break. When the tissue breaks, it causes collagen disruption that leads to scarring. Stretch marks can be very unsightly, appearing as numerous vertical lines, ranging from red to silvery-white in colors. They are more prominent on the upper arms, back of the legs, thighs, chest, waist, hips and abdomen. However, there are solutions to minimizing their appearance. Follow these steps.

3 mins read

How to Avoid Stretch Marks From Losing Weight

Stretch marks are scars the body develops when the skin is stretched from gaining weight and during pregnancy. When a person loses weight, the stretch marks are more visible and can be embarrassing for the person who suffers with them. These tips and suggestions will help you avoid stretch marks and keep your skin smooth, clear and beautiful.

3 mins read

How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps Quickly

Razor bumps are a literal pain. Not only do they look unattractive, but they itch and hurt as well. Many people have sensitive skin that easily breaks out in razor bumps, and others develop these bumps due to something else (such as a dull razor or an allergic reaction.) Below, you’ll learn some important steps for how to get rid of razor bumps quickly so that you can stop the irritation as soon as possible: Step 1: Prevention