4 mins read

Homework that WORKS!

A few weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal sent moms into a tizzy with the book review of the “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.” That story got more hits on their web site than any other ever had. Talk about hitting a nerve. Following were many rebuttals in defense of the “lazy Western moms.” What we really need is moderation.

4 mins read

How Much Are Surrogate Mothers Paid?

There is no standard fee when it comes how much money a surrogate mother is paid. The costs are estimated, as each situation is different depending on the individuals involved. A first time surrogate may request a smaller fee; an experienced surrogate may charge as much as $5,000 to $10,000 more. Surrogates generally request an itemized compensation plan as part of their contracts.

3 mins read

Family Games for Picnics

Picnics can be great fun for the entire family. Along with the good picnic food that everyone will enjoy, picnic planners should look ahead and prepare for picnic games. Family members who attend the picnic will then not only be treated to a picnic basket full of treats, they’ll be able to participate in games that will be fun and help to bring the entire family closer together.

3 mins read

Wrinkle Removal with Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is far less invasive than a face lift and has fewer undesirable side effects than older cosmetic wrinkle treatments, such as dermabrasion and chemical peels. Laser treatment, also called laser skin rejuvenation or laser resurfacing, is a versatile procedure, reducing wrinkles and other signs of aging skin, such as sun spots, blotchy skin and dark eye circles.