4 mins read

Lice Treatment Products

Lice are small, crawling insects that infest and feed on human hosts. Contrary to earlier speculation, the presence of lice does not indication a lack of good personal hygiene. Lice are spread through person-to-person contact, and if one member of a household becomes infested, lice can spread rapidly throughout the entire family. All types of lice can usually be controlled with over-the-counter treatments, but occasionally a prescription medication may be required.

3 mins read

Surgery for Acne Scars

Approximately 40 to 50 million Americans suffer from acne, according to 2009 information from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Additionally, each year, 85 percent of U.S. teenagers will have acne an breakout. Most cases of acne are mild and you can effectively treat them with readily available over-the-counter medications. Moderate to serious acne cases typically require professional medical intervention and sometimes result in unsightly scars. Contemporary surgical techniques can help diminish the appearance of acne scars.

3 mins read

Is My Child Developing Normally?

Spending time with other parents and children gives you plenty of chances to compare developmental progress of the kids. Parents often worry about the development of their children, particularly if another child is doing something more advanced. Measuring normal development goes beyond simple comparisons with your child’s playmates. The rate of development varies from one child to the next, but there are ways to determine if your child truly is developmentally delayed.

2 mins read

Good Jobs for Single Moms

Since they don’t have a constant parenting partner, working single moms must often plan their work schedules around their children’s schedules, be solely responsible for coordinating child care and be available at all times to meet the needs of their children. Jobs that allow for freedom and flexibility in scheduling, with the opportunity to earn a steady income, tend to be the best jobs for single moms.