Teenage Love Questions
You can likely still remember the stirring of romantic emotions that you experienced during your teenage years. Perhaps you can even remember your first tentative kiss or the first time you were asked out on a date. Now that you are a mom, it is your job to help your children navigate these emotions. Falling in love is almost equally exciting and scary. To help your teen deal with this, be prepared to answer love questions that she may pose.
How Do I Know if I’m in Love?
Telling the difference between “like” and “love” is tricky, even for experienced adults. The easiest way to distinguish between like and love is to see how long the emotion lasts. True love does not pass quickly like infatuation or lust, but instead hangs around long after the initial attraction. The only way to tell is just to wait and see.
Could I Fall in Love with a Friend?
Many people end up falling in love with a friend. You two already share a lot in common and like spending time together, so transitioning your relationship into a more serious status is natural. If you really truly feel that you love your friend, ask him how he feels. He might feel the same. If not, stay good friends and enjoy your time together.
How Do I Make Someone Love Me?
You can’t. Trying to change who you are to attract someone is never a good idea. If that person doesn’t like you the way you are, you don’t need him anyway. Stay true to yourself, and be patient. Eventually, the right guy will come along.
Should I Change for My Boyfriend?
Not at all. You’re a teen, so you are just really figuring out who you are. Don’t alter your developing personality for any guy. He’s not worth it.
What Do I Do if My Boyfriend Isn’t Nice to Me?
Find a new one. Don’t stick around and let a guy be mean to you. If a boyfriend is ever emotionally or physically abusive, break off the relationship and find someone who deserves you. If you are having trouble with this, ask a parent or other trusted adult for help to ensure that you don’t get in over your head.
What If My Boyfriend Breaks Up with Me?
It’s OK. No one likes to be dumped, but it will happen. While it may seem like the end of the world, you will pull through and likely end up better off in the end. If a guy doesn’t want to be with you, you really shouldn’t want to be with him. He doesn’t value you as highly as he should or think you are as special as you are.
Will I Ever Be Kissed?
It will happen. There is no set age for a first kiss. Some girls start young, while others wait. Don’t feel like a freak just because you haven’t gotten that kiss you have always wanted. Just wait; it will eventually happen. And, as you wait, keep in mind, the longer you wait, the more special the kiss will likely be when you ultimately do receive it.
Photo Credit
- moody teen image by pixelcarpenter from Fotolia.com