Words are powerful.
Whether you write or speak them, they have an impact on you and others. They express feelings, share knowledge, and change a mood in an instant. Words are sparks that can light fires.
Today, I want to encourage you to harness these sparks to change yourself.
Author and coach Tony Robbins’s said to change your life, you need to change your words.
Words possess the ability to shape thoughts, inspire behaviors, comfort emotions, and even change our reality. They have the ability to empower or destroy your destiny.
As a family life coach, I daily see how words have a lasting impact on youth especially. Parents and teachers please understand the authority that words carry and the impact they have on our teens.
It’s vital to fuel ourselves with words that propel us to success.
Why are words so powerful?
Words are powerful because they affect people emotionally, intellectually, and physically.
Scientific studies show that positive and negative words not only affect us on a deep psychological level, but they significantly impact the outcome of our lives. They have a lasting impact on a person’s self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being.
How we speak to ourselves influences our thoughts, beliefs, actions, and our perception of the world.
Look back on some of the words that have been spoken to you. Do you remember an adult who spoke words and kind acts that encouraged life? How did those words impact you? Perhaps a teacher, a coach, or a relative changed the trajectory of your life, all with the way they spoke to you.
A life can be changed forever with an inspiring word or an act of kindness.
Be careful to watch your words
Author and coach Marc Reklau warned that we all need to watch our words.
“You are what you tell yourself the whole day. So be careful with how you describe yourself. How you communicate with yourself changes how you think about yourself,” Reklau said.
Be vigilant about your self-talk because words are controlling. Words become thoughts that then shape reality. Don’t allow the power of words to work against you.
Allow me to explain further: Words are containers. They carry the power to teach and instruct, embolden, bring peace and joy, and optimism. They can also demean, humiliate, and betray. They affect us whether we realize it or not — whether we want to believe it or not! By recognizing their impact, you can choose what kind of power they carry on your behalf.
Don’t repeat the derogatory words others say to you because if we hear them often enough, we begin to believe that we are what they say about us.
What stories are you telling yourself? Parents, what stories do you tell your teens?
How to leverage the power of words
Parents and teens, you can leverage the power of words. There are ways to better utilize them to grow yourselves. Here are few recommendations:
For parents:
- Model Positive Language: Parents can lead by example by using positive, affirming language in their interactions with their teens. This sets a powerful precedent for how teens should speak to themselves and others.
- Give Encouragement: Regularly affirm and encourage your teens. Be sure to acknowledge their efforts and achievements, no matter how small. This builds their self-esteem, confidence, and resilience.
- Open Communication: Create a safe and supportive environment where teens feel comfortable expressing themselves. Reassure them that they can have open communication where their feelings will be validated without judgment.
- Monitor Self-Talk: Help your teens become aware of their inner dialogue and how it influences their thoughts and behaviors. Teach them to challenge negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.
For teens:
- Set Targets: Take control of your self-talk by setting positive intentions for yourself. Start each day with affirmations that align with your goals and aspirations.
- Peer Communication: Encourage positive communication with your friends. Use words that uplift and inspire, rather than criticize or belittle.
- Challenge Negative Beliefs: When negative thoughts arise, challenge them with evidence of your strengths and past successes.
- Pursue Support: Don’t be afraid to reach out for support when needed. Whether it’s from trusted adults, friends, or mentors, having a support system can provide valuable perspective and encouragement.
- Consider Accountability: Ask a close friend, a student, another peer, a teacher, or a family member to pay close attention to which words you use and permit you to stop once they notice you’re speaking in a destructive pattern.
By harnessing the power of words positively and intentionally, parents and teens can cultivate a mindset of growth, resilience, and empowerment, ultimately shaping a brighter future for themselves and those around them.
There is tremendous power in the words we think, write, and speak — they shape our lives and affect those around us. Why not choose words that empower, fulfill, and support not only us but others?
Thank you