2 mins read

Modern Hairstyles for Older Women

It’s time to move beyond that retro beehive or that long hippie hair to find a more modern hairstyle. Celebrities such as Susan Sarandon and Helen Mirren prove that older women can enjoy a vibrant, contemporary look. Before settling on a hairstyle, determine your priorities in terms of coloring, straightening, perming or other chemical processes, because many older women have more fragile hair that can split or break if it undergoes too much processing.

2 mins read

Virtual Makeovers for Women

A virtual makeover can allow you to sample a new style without leaving your desk chair. Depending upon the software you choose, you can play with makeup or a new coiffure without the attendant real-world risks. Some applications even allow you to input measurements and experiment with clothing styles. If you’re nervous about trying something new or just want to experiment and play, virtual makeovers are an enjoyable and economical way to experiment with your style.

3 mins read

Special Effects & Makeup Tricks for Witches

If you are looking to transform yourself to create a spooktacularly scary appearance this Halloween, consider leaving your vanity behind and embodying a spooky, not-so-beautiful witch. Creating an authentically creepy witch look is quite simple with some make-up, patience and an eye for detail. The next time you want to adopt a decidedly different persona, consider embodying a witch and casting a creepy spell over the festivities.