2 mins read

Reasons for Recycling Paper

Paper makes up many different products you use on a regular basis beyond a sheet of notebook paper. The daily newspaper, juice carton, paper towels and reference books are just a few of the paper products you might encounter each day. With such a large use of paper products, recycling becomes a significant action to keep paper products under control.

4 mins read

CHANGE- The process of becoming different

I am way overdue for my latest blog because so much change has been going on around me, and the world, that I have had no idea where to begin writing. Let me fill you in on what has been going on around me. First of all, this month I have said goodbye to 7, yes 7, good friends of mine! All of them leaving Los Angeles for different reasons, all of them being good. Some of my friends are moving closer to their families, some are moving for new job opportunities, some just to wanted to change of scene. I am actually doing quite well

4 mins read

What’s Really Draining You: Zoom Fatigue, Or Mom Guilt?

"Another Zoom??" said my 7-year-old daughter, rolling her eyes as I emerged from the office after three calls that morning. "Yes, but I promise I'll be done soon for the day, and I'll take a look at your schoolwork." "You have too many calls, mommy. I guess you just don't have time for me." Ouch.…

1 min read

NatureLuxe by Covergirl

Summer is here, which means my kids are home and were busier than ever. Between camp in the morning, running to the gym when I have a spare moment, driving to soccer practice, packing bags for the beach, or picking up from soccer practice, summer is definitely not a vacation for me. Thankfully, I just found the NatureLuxe Collection from Covergirl. The products are easy to use, affordable, and designed with summer and accessibility …