5 mins read

Focus On Resilience In Wake of School Shootings

Each year, one of the administrators from the middle school tells a story to incoming parents. The story involves a chrysalis that is struggling to turn into a butterfly and a kind person who, after seeing the painful process, decides to help remove it from its binds. The problem is that it is in the…

4 mins read

5 Tips to Build Resiliency in Your Life

I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles. Audrey Hepburn Though Audrey Hepburn was considered the most naturally beautiful woman of all time, and was a renowned actress, she devoted her later life …

5 mins read

Chris Waddell: Life Lessons in Resilience

Last week I was honored to be able to spend each day traveling to different schools with Chris Waddell as he presents his Nametags program. Chris, a good friend from Middlebury College, started doing Nametags three years ago when he launched his foundation, One-Revolution.

6 mins read

A ‘Good Wife’ No Longer

She has finally had enough. The character modeled on the likes of the wife of the former New York governor, Silda Spitzer (who stuck by her husband after he resigned his office amid a call girl scandal) and other politicians wives whose husbands publically cheated on them and humiliated them, has been pushed too far.

2 mins read

Products for Long Hair Growth

It may be easier to grow your hair out — particularly if you have plans to let it get really long — if you use products that reduce breakage, provide moisture, and maintain health. There is no magic pill that will speed up your hair’s growth, but some simple practices will help your hair look its best while working to achieve your goal.